How to force HTTPS on your website
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If both the HTTP and HTTPS versions of your website are visible, have a read of this article for an easy fix.
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If both the HTTP and HTTPS versions of your website are visible, have a read of this article for an easy fix.
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Business owner Dean Bader on why he thinks all business owners should learn to code. Dean attended a Meeum workshop and hasn't looked back.
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Google Analytics is an incredibly useful tool for any website owner, but there's not a lot of point in measuring incorrect data.
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Learn how to optimize the foundation of your website for search engines with our comprehensive guide on mastering technical SEO. Discover key elements, including speed, security, structured data, and more.
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HTML is the basis of every website. Here's a basic rundown on how HTML elements work, and how they relate to building an SEO friendly website.
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Follow Meeum on our social channels to keep in the know. We write regular articles on technology and whatever else interests us!
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AfterPay, OxiPay and many other buy now pay later schemes are rife in Australia. Read why Meeum won't accept payments from these schemes.
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A high bounce rate is often seen as a bad thing. In this article, we'll explain cases where a high bounce rate could actually be great!
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Charlie is a Media Buyer who recently attended Meeum's three-hour 'How To Code a Website' workshop. Read her wonderful story...
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Learn why having a good and unique title is crucial for technical SEO, how to create an effective page title, and where to place it. This beginner's guide covers everything you need to know about page titles for SEO, including how to avoid disastrous effects on your rankings.
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Marcus is a trainer at Northern College of The Arts & Technology. He attended Meeum's HTML & CSS workshop & went on to teach a class of 60 school students how to code.
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Version Control is a way for us to keep track of changes in our codebase. It is heavily used in software development, particularly when large and disparate teams are working on the same codebase. In layman's terms, think of Version Control as being sort-of like Dropbox.
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With Facebook constantly changing its algorithm, it can be hard to keep up with the businuess you like. Here's a guide to show you how.
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Google now only crawl the mobile friendly version of your website. Read on to see what you can do to ensure your SEO isn't negatively affected
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After attending a Meeum coding workshop, Laura set about improving her company website. Accessibility, SEO and other great techniques were used.